More than five illegally modified e-bikes have been seized in Oxford as police launched a crackdown on the vehicles.

Officers patrolling the city centre last night (Friday, August 9) were conducting an operation targeting privately owned e-bikes and e-scooters.

During the patrol seven illegally modified E-Bikes were seized, one e-scooter was seized and six people were reported for traffic offences.

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(Image: Thames Valley Police)

An arrest was also made during the patrol for immigration-related offences.

Private e-scooters are illegal in the UK except when used on private land.

Anyone using a rental e-scooter on a public road or other public space, has to comply with the relevant road traffic legislation or they face potential prosecution.

To rent an e-scooter you must meet the minimum age limit; these can vary depending on the provider, so please check with them, hold the correct driving licence and create an account with the rental company