A group of cycle campaigners in Oxfordshire said it approves of the new Kidlington Roundabout.

The Oxfordshire Cycling Network has voiced its support for the new roundabout, which has improved, separated crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.

Robin Tucker, chair of the Oxfordshire Cycling Network, said: "We're impressed by the design and execution of this.

Kidlington RoundaboutKidlington Roundabout (Image: Oxfordshire Cycling Network)

"The original design had problems, but we and Cyclox responded constructively to the consultation and worked with the county council to improve the design for cyclists and pedestrians.

"The result is better for travel, was about £2 million cheaper and saved some trees from felling.

"Thanks to the councillors and officers who worked with us to make this happen."

Cyclists can cross both carriageways in a single movement, while for pedestrians the crossing is two stages.

Kidlington RoundaboutKidlington Roundabout (Image: Oxfordshire Cycling Network)

In both cases, only one crossing is needed to go north to south, or south to north, and there is also an east-west crossing on the south side.

Despite its support, the network said while the connection north into Kidlington "neatly exits onto a quiet road", in the other direction, the junctions across Sainsburys "need improvement".

It said the connections to Oxford and Oxford Parkway station will be improved as a result of a coming housing development, but there is a need for a safe cycle route along Freize Way.