A memorial football tournament has now been postponed until September.

The charity event was originally scheduled for June 8, and aimed to raise funds for a specially equipped caravan in memory of Kelly Jackson.

Ms Jackson, who suffered from spina bifida, died in April 2020. Spina bifida is a condition that means a baby's spine and spinal cord do not develop properly when in the womb, leading to a gap in the spine.

Born with the disability resulting in a life mostly spent in a wheelchair as she was unable to walk, Ms Jackson, who lived in Donnington, dedicated her time to charity work with Oxford Phab, an organisation promoting social activities for people with or without disabilities.

Organisers of the event stated: "Unfortunately we had a short notices issue that meant we couldn't fulfil the day."

Now, postponed until September, they are yet to confirm a specific day.

The tournament was set to take place at Leys Pool and Leisure Centre in Oxford.

Along with football matches, attendees were to be treated to a BBQ, sweets, a bouncy castle, and a DJ.

There would also be prizes for the best dressed team and most creative team name.

The funds were to go to the Kelly Jackson Memorial Fund, which is aiming to buy an all-purpose wheelchair access caravan in Weymouth.