A TEENAGE girl took her own life after finding out her boyfriend was allegedly cheating on her, an inquest has heard.

Aimee Trinder, 19, was found unresponsive in her bedroom on December 7 last year. Police and paramedics rushed to the address in Saxton Road, Abingdon, but she was pronounced dead at 4.52pm.

An inquest at Oxford Coroner’s Court on Monday (June 3) heard the barmaid had made internet searches on her phone which showed an intent to take her own life.

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Her family told the inquest that Aimee had found out her boyfriend was reportedly cheating on her with her best friend which they believe contributed to her death.

Area coroner Nicholas Graham ruled a conclusion of suicide, telling the family: “This is such a tragic case.

“Aimee was no age at all and had her whole life before her.

"Suicide and self-harm are never the answer to life's troubles and adversities and it’s so hard to think that Aimee thought it was the answer.”

During the inquest, it was heard that Aimee had tested positive for Covid-19 a handful of days before her death and was recovering at home.

On the morning of December 7, Aimee’s mother advised her to rest after she reported that she wasn’t feeling very well.

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Her brother checked up on her twice and noted that his sister was asleep but had made a sound the first time but appeared asleep on the second with her phone in her hand.

However, when he revisited the bedroom at about 4.30pm to tell Aimee her pet rabbit had had babies, he noted 'something was wrong'.

The emergency services were called while neighbours performed CPR but a senior paramedic pronounced her dead.

A few days later, after checking Aimee’s phone, her family then reported to police about the internet searches and the alleged revelation that Aimee had been cheated on.

She had also posted on social media, writing: “My heart will go on.”

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Her boyfriend provided a statement for the inquest saying that he and Aimee had been on a break at the time of her death due to his struggles with mental health but that the pair had remained friends and were in frequent contact.

The best friend also provided a statement, saying she had seen Aimee the night before her death and that she appeared happy.

“I had no idea that Aimee would do this,” she wrote.


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