A DRIVER has been fined over £1,200 and disqualified for speeding on the motorway.

Jeffrey Tatham-Banks, of Crowsley Park, Henley, was caught on July 5 last year speeding on the M1.

The 81-year-old was caught between junctions 39 and 40 northbound exceeding the 70mph speed limit by driving at 88mph.

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He was charged under the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 and brought to Bradford and Keighley Magistrates’ Court on May 21.

At first, the defendant pleaded not guilty to the offence but changed his plea to guilty.

The driver was fined £1,246 and disqualified from driving for six months. He also had three penalty points added to his driving record.

There were also court costs of £400 and a victim surcharge of £498.

The total amount Tatham-Banks will have to pay is £2,144 by June 18.

Another driver was also in court for failing to provide a specimen for testing after being suspected of having committed a driving offence.

Navin Dewan, of Medway Road, Abingdon, was stopped by police on March 13 this year in Swindon.

He was asked to do a roadside breathalyser test but refused.

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The 34-year-old was charged and appeared at Salisbury Law Courts on May 23.

He was given a community order to complete 10 days of rehabilitation activity and 99 hours of unpaid work.

Dewan was also disqualified from driving for 36 months.