A museum is set to be transported back in time as it hosts a living history event this summer.

On June 1 and 2, Chiltern Open Air Museum in Buckinghamshire will welcome more than 100 Napoleonic re-enactors alongside 12 cavalry horses from the Napoleonic Association.

Between 10am and 5pm, the outdoor museum's sprawling site will be transformed into military encampments, showcasing the armies of Wellington, Blucher, and Napoleon.

Oxford Mail: More than 100 re-enactors will be at the eventMore than 100 re-enactors will be at the event (Image: Chiltern Open Air Museum)

The re-enactors will enlighten the public about the unsung heroes who kept these armies running and supplied.

Visitors will also have a chance to meet Jason Salkey, the actor who played Rifleman Harris in the TV show Sharpe.

In the display arena, there will be musket, cavalry, and artillery displays allowing visitors to hear cannons fire and horses charge.

Oxford Mail: The event will take place on June 1 and 2The event will take place on June 1 and 2 (Image: Chiltern Open Air Museum)

Event manager at the museum, Michelle Luttrell, said: "We are really excited to have this event at Chiltern Open Air Museum.

"It’s the largest re-enactment event that we have held and we’re really excited to be offering this immersive experience to our visitors."

The museum is home to a collection of more than 30 rescued and reconstructed historic buildings that were the homes or workplaces of ordinary people from history.

It is a charity and runs with the support of hundreds of volunteers and hosts a number of community and special events throughout the year.