An Oxfordshire girl was one of the first to try out a revolutionary prosthetic arm that could soon allow kids with upper limb differences to play sports like golf.

The arm, the first of its kind in the world, was recently put through its paces by primary-aged children during a special coaching session.

The prosthetics' design has a soft fabric sleeve that can be worn and fitted with different tool attachments, allowing players with upper limb differences to use a golf club.

The prosthetic is available for free through a charity initiative called Project Limitless.

It supports children aged 18 and under living in the UK to give every child who needs one access to a prosthetic arm.

The young players all have a congenital below elbow limb difference which means their arm did not develop fully at birth.

Joanie, 10, was one of the first people in the UK to receive a new type of prosthetic arm on her left arm.

She has mastered a range of sports including surfing and tennis and now has taken to the green at Woburn Golf Club in Milton Keynes

Her congenital limb difference makes it difficult to hold and control a golf club and she joined four other primary school children to test out the prototype.

Joanie, from South Oxfordshire, said: "The whole day was a great experience because I got to try a new sport for the very first time and met lots of people who were just like me.

"The new prosthetic and tool gave me control over the golf club so I could do a better swing.

"This was my first-time playing golf and I hope I will play again soon."

Koalaa, a supplier of upper limb prosthetics, collaborated with the European Disabled Golf Association (EDGA) to develop the new tool with the aim of making golf accessible to all.

The session at Woburn Golf Club followed months of research and testing and allowed the children to complete four holes on a specially created practice course.

The prosthetic uses a breathable fabric that fits snugly against the arm, making them lightweight, comfortable, and ideal for young children.

Mark Taylor, golf coach for EDGA, said: "It was brilliant to welcome the children along to Woburn and they all picked it up really quickly.

"Tools, like the one we're developing with Koalaa, are so important for aiding inclusivity and making golf accessible for all.

"We want everyone, no matter what age, ability or experience level, to know that golf is for them.

Mr Taylor added that a crucial benefit of the prosthetic is that players are able to connect the limb to the golf club in a functional position.

Nate Macabuag, founder of Koalaa, said: "It's fantastic to be working with the team at EDGA on this development project.

"Together, we hope to inspire people with limb differences of all ages to pick up a club and hit the golf course."

Koalaa prosthetics are available for free through a charitable initiative called Project Limitless, which supports children aged 18 and under living in the UK.