One Oxfordshire fisherman has hauled in a massive catch at Manor Farm - catching 30 carp with a collective weight of more than 800lbs. 

Ben Oakes' "red letter session" included catching five fish over 38lbs.

Ben said his top catch of the day weighed 44lbs, and that all carp were caught on CC Moore and Co Ltd products. 

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Ben told the Oxford Mail he had been fishing in Oxford for around 10 years. 

While this haul was very impressive - the keen angler has some lofty PBs to chase. 

"My UK PB is 50lb 4oz and my European PB is 70lb 80z," he said.  

For those trying to lift their fishing game, the skilled fisherman has a few tips. 

"I would say learning water craft and how to find the fish beforehand are important," he said. 

"As well as fish care once on the bank, including carp care treatment for any wounds, and a good quality landing net and carp mat are very important." 

Ben said the he loved the serenity of his fishing hobby, and said the fish are always returned afterwards.  

"The most enjoyable part of fishing for me is relaxing in peace by the lake," he said. 

"The nature around me and the fact that I never know what I am going to catch next." 

Whatever that next catch might be, with Ben's record it's likely to be a whopper.