The DEATH of an RAF parachute jumping instructor who plummeted during a skydive at an RAF base was as an 'unforeseeable accident', an inquest jury concluded.

Sergeant Rachel Fisk, 32, from Carterton, was killed in an incident on September 2, 2021, at RAF Weston-on-the-Green, Oxfordshire after her reserve pilot chute became entangled. The plunge to her death at a nearby farm was captured on the camera she was wearing.

Today (May 22), Coroner Darren Salter said there was no evidence of blame on the part of Sft Fisk.

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The jury gave an unanimous verdict of ‘accident’ at the end of a three-day hearing in Oxford.

They said: "The unfortunate death of Sergeant Rachel Fisk…happened on a parachute training day at RAF Weston-on-the-Green during the fourth jump of the day when Sgt. Fisk was a videographer for one of the tandem pairs.

"The freefall stage of the jump went according to plan. Sgt. Fisk probably attempted to activate the main chute twice, based on the GoPro footage.

"There is not enough evidence to determine why Sgt. Fisk was unable to activate the main chute successfully.

"She then deployed the reserve parachute before she reached 750 ft when automatic activation device (AAD) would have operated.

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"The reserve pilot chute (RPC) deployed but the GoPro footage showed a malfunction which resulted in its entanglement and the failure of the reserve chute to open.

"The possible reasons for this were: The uneven release of the RPC spring which caused it to get tangled in the bridle cords. The RPC getting caught in the turbulent wake and failing to extend fully.

"Although, when tested, the RPC's usually right themselves - in this case there may not have been enough time to do so. The wings of the camera jacket may have increased the turbulence and contributed to the cause of the entanglement.

"The fact that the main chute was still in the pack may have delayed the successful deployment of the reserve chute as well.

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"In conclusion, the combination of these factors - the failure of the main chute; the malformation of the RPC; the RPC getting trapped in the turbulent wake and the possible hinderance of the main chute remaining in the pack, all resulted in this tragic and in the jury's view, unforeseeable accident."

Sgt Fisk's parents, Fiona and Bill, prepared a statement read by the coroner. They said: "Rachel was a kind and caring young woman and was known for her thoughtfulness towards others."

Coroner Salter said: "Let me finally offer my condolences to Mr and Mrs Fisk."