Travellers in Bicester have left a park after pitching up on the site last week as a clean-up operation has been taking place.

The first reports of their presence at the park off Manston Close near the Lidl store in Launton Road surfaced last Friday evening.

Authorities were made aware of the group at 9pm before alerting both Bicester Town Council and the Oxfordshire County Council were informed.

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Thames Valley Police visited the park over the weekend and officers issued code of conduct paperwork.

The county council issued a direction to leave order by 11am on Wednesday.

Bicester Town Council, which own the land, have been on site undertaking a clean-up and removing “some waste” since the group's departure.

County councillor for Bicester, Donna Ford, had been monitoring the situation.

After the travellers set up in the park, she said: “The police had already been made aware by a resident.

“They will follow the usual procedures for the situation and hope to have things resolved as quickly as possible.”

It is understood Thames Valley Police had been originally alerted to the presence of the travellers by a householder near the park.

The force confirmed on Saturday that officers had attended the scene and code of conduct paperwork has been served.

It comes after travellers also pitched up in Abingdon and Marston on the edge of Oxford within the past year.