A homelessness charity revealed its expansion plans as it celebrated its 15th anniversary with an event attended by those it has helped over the years.

Emmaus Oxford marked its birthday with an event involving past and current beneficiaries of the charity, referred to as companions, alongside trustees, supporters, and staff.

It took place at Ethe charity's community home on Oxford Road, on May 15.

Since the charity first opened its doors in 2009, it has provided a home and work for many people suffering homelessness and social exclusion.

As homelessness continues to rise, the charity has revealed plans to renovate buildings next door into ‘move-on’ houses.

The buildings, along with the adjacent property, will accommodate 10 en-suite bedrooms for companions transitioning out of the Emmaus community.

Chair Andrew Morgan Giles said: "We are investing in two areas: one in learning and development, providing training and skills in areas companions aspire to work in, and the other is the move-on houses, which will become a vital step for companions as they move towards mainstream living.’’

CEO Eddie Blaze added: "The plan is to redevelop the houses to provide affordable accommodation to companions who have recently started working elsewhere and are ready to move on from the community.

"The houses will provide a safety net where they have access to support if needed as they work independently."