An unauthorised encampment was set up on a recreation ground in an Oxfordshire village.

Travellers moved on to playing fields at Oxford Road in Eynsham on Monday night (May 20).

By Tuesday Eynsham Parish Council reported that the encampment had now gone but the north and south car parks would remain closed for a time.

A spokesperson for Oxfordshire County Council said: "We are aware that one caravan had arrived at the location.

"After discussions with the police and Eynsham Parish Council the travellers moved on."

Unauthorised encampments are defined by the Government as "encampments of caravans and/or other vehicles on land without the landowner or occupier's consent and constituting trespass".

Unauthorised camping is not a criminal offence. It is a civil offence (trespass), giving landowners the right to repossess their property using the due process of law.