Students at Abingdon and Witney College are set to benefit from donations from two construction companies.

The college's construction faculty received donations from housebuilder Persimmon Homes and plumbing parts manufacturer McAlpine.

The college's Witney construction department received £2,000 from Persimmon Homes, to go towards the accessibility and quality of construction students' education.

Oxford Mail: McAlpine made a donation to the Abingdon campusMcAlpine made a donation to the Abingdon campus (Image: Abingdon & Witney College)

Roger Westall, construction curriculum manager at Witney Campus, said: "Persimmon Homes is actively engaging with local schools and colleges to support them by donating money that can be used towards construction in any way they see fit.

"We have greatly received the donation of £2,000 and I am sure it will be put to good use of the coming months.

"It could help with transport to the college for students, specific tools, or educational material."

At Abingdon Campus, a donation of equipment from McAlpine Plumbing Products was made.

Ross Noakes, construction lecturer, said: "This support plays a vital role in enhancing our educational environment and providing our students with the high-quality branded products they need to succeed in their plumbing studies.

"The partnership and generosity from McAlpine is a welcome investment in the education and professional development of our students.”

Head of the Construction Faculty, Robert Rose, added: "Across our campuses, students gain skills that prepare them for employment or starting an apprenticeship, and the support of local employers plays a central part in this.”