A primary school in Wantage has reached the national finals of a dance competition.

Wantage CE Primary School’s dance team have had their contemporary piece titled ‘Heaven’ chosen for the 2024 National Finals of the ‘Great Big Dance Off’ competition,

The school’s dance troupe entered three dances for the regional heat at Swindon’s Wyvern Theatre, all choreographed by Miss Jillian from the American Dance School.

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This is the second year running that Wantage Primary School has secured a place at the national final.

Zoe Pike, assistant headteacher, said “There was tough competition, but we executed our dances with precision. We were delighted that ‘Heaven’ really wowed the judges.

"We are incredibly proud of our dance team for their commitment and professionalism which undoubtedly brought them success”.

Phoebe, one of the Year 6 dancers, commented:  "I'm very excited because we've worked really hard to get through to the final, even though it’s in front of hundreds of people.

"Dancing is so fun and I really enjoy it."

The finals are due to take place at Oxford’s New Theatre on Wednesday, June 19, and is the only national dance competition aimed solely at schools.