A Banbury landmark has been given a makeover for Mental Health Awareness Week.

Banbury Cross is now sporting a cheerful new look, courtesy of the community arts project, Round and Round.

Cherwell District Council's landscape, wellbeing, and communities teams collaborated with artist Anne-Marie Cadman to organise art workshops across the town.

Oxford Mail: Banbury Cross before the projectBanbury Cross before the project (Image: Google Maps)

More than 200 residents took part in these workshops held last month.

The Round and Round project is spearheaded by the council, with a focus on sustainability.

The principles of reduce, reuse, recycle are followed, giving a fresh lease of life to old floral display frames with the artistic input of Cherwell's residents.

In the 12 sessions held at The Hill Centre, Orinoco, The Mill Arts Centre, Banbury College, Cornhill Centre and Bridge Street Community Garden, participants decorated a sun and three hobby horse frames.

Assistant director of wellbeing and housing services, Nicola Riley, said: "We were delighted to welcome so many people to our arts sessions.

"Being hands-on and working with people and businesses across Cherwell is something we are passionate about, and the Round and Round project was the perfect opportunity to help people make new friends and learn new skills.

"We installed the completed floral frames on the Banbury Cross roundabout at the start of Mental Health Awareness Week to mark the importance community events and arts can play in promoting good mental health and resilience.

"Working with others from all parts of the community to build something can foster a sense of belonging, reduce social isolation, and empower individuals to express themselves.

"The completed frames are beautiful and will serve as a colourful greeting to help raise the spirits and smiles of those visiting Banbury Cross."

Community worker at The Hill Community Centre, Lacey Leonard, added: "When the project was first spoken about, I was quite excited to be involved.

"As the weeks went on, seeing Dobbin [the hobby horse] come together was amazing.

"From a little idea like giving him eyes and earrings we now have a fully glorious horse who’s been made with love and going to stand full of colour.

"It was so much fun, and I can’t wait to see him standing at the Banbury Cross."

People who could not attend sessions in person were also able to take part by using a DIY pack to create their own piece at home.

These individual creations were compiled and added to the 2.5-meter sun frame.

The sun and hobby horse frames will be displayed at the Banbury Cross roundabout from Wednesday, May 15, until the end of the summer.