Pro-Palestine activists and journalists covering an Oxford encampment have expressed their concerns over an alleged "attack" from multiple men targeting protesters.

A group of men with pro-Israel slogans have been accused of shouting antisemitic abuse at Jewish campers who were supporting Palestine on Saturday night in front of the Pitt Rivers Museum in South Parks Road. 

Freelance reporter and graduate student Madeleine Jane was on site when the incident took place. 

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Ms Jane said six men arrived by taxi at the encampment on the lawns in front of the Pitt Rivers Museum around 8.50pm.

"They ripped down banners, screamed at students and made threats," she said. 

"Protesters did not engage and de-escalators moved local community members away from the attackers."

A video filmed on the scene depicts the group of men loudly yelling "Israel we love you" and chanting "free the hostages", as well as one man calling the protesters "terrorists" and saying, "I'll f***ing kill you". 

Another man can be heard calling the pro-Palestine activists "terrorist sympathisers". 

Ms Jane said the men targeted Jewish students who were part of the encampment - with community members including children meeting for a nightly vigil. 

She claimed the men were also aggressive towards press on site - including her - and the Doha-based media company Al Jazeera Arabic who were filming at the time. 

Ms Jane said she was "repeatedly approached, called a terrorist, screamed at and threatened". 

At one point a police officer intervened before one of the men came too close. 

The freelance journalist followed the men to document their actions as they walked away with police. 

Ms Jane said she then returned to the camp where a vigil had begun. 

Students read obituaries for individuals killed in Gaza before a minute of silence.  

The Oxford Action for Palestine group organising the encampment has released a statement urging continued attention on Gaza. 

"On Saturday evening, we gathered to light candles for our nightly Gaza vigil," the statement read. 

"Before we even began reciting the names of the dead, six men leapt out of a van nearby and accosted us with xenophobic and transphobic slurs, among a litany of other vitriolic insults.

"They ripped down our art, physically assaulted nearby members of the community, and particularly targeted Jewish students trying to deescalate the situation, using unacceptable antisemitic language."

The group said no one was hurt but said members remained "enraged at the politically-motivated fearmongering" that jeopardised their safety.

Thames Valley Police said officers attended after reports of disorder and a Section 35 Dispersal Order was issued to move people on from the area.

No arrests were made.

Oxford University has been contacted for comment.