A Torch of Commemoration organised by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission will travel from the UK to France, starting at Botley Cemetery in Oxford this Wednesday.

Events will take place at locations across the UK before crossing to Normandy, France, where D-Day veterans, royalty and world leaders are expected to gather to mark the 80th anniversary of the largest seaborne military invasion in history.

The events will commemorate the allied troops involved in Operation Overlord on June 6 1944.

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The torch ceremony will begin at Botley Cemetery, Oxford on May 15.

The flame will then travel to City Cemetery, Cambridge on May 16, Brookwood Military Cemeteries in Surrey on May 17, and the Naval Memorial, Kent on May 18.

It will continue on to Plymouth’s Naval Memorial on May 20, Haycombe Cemetery, Bath, on May 21, Newark Cemetery on May 23, and Stonefall Cemetery in Harrogate on May 24.

Further events will include a torch ceremony and exhibition at Imperial War Museum North in Manchester on May 29 and a symbolic lighting of the torch followed by speeches by veterans at the National War Museum in Edinburgh on the same date.

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Other events paying tribute to those carrying the torches will take place at Runnymede Memorial, Surrey on May 30 and the D-Day Story museum in Portsmouth on June 3.

The final leg, starting on June 4, will see the living flame of commemoration light every Commonwealth War Graves Commission grave in Normandy.