Oxford City Council's plan for the future will have public hearings next month.

Inspectors have set the dates for the initial hearings for the Local Plan 2040, which will guide all planning decisions in a city for the next 16 years.

The initial hearings will take place from Tuesday, June 11, to Thursday, June 13, at the Rose Hill Community Centre.

They will start each day at 9:30 am and will be open for public observation.

Councillor Louise Upton, cabinet member for planning and healthier communities, said: "Our Local Plan 2040 aims to find the right balance between helping us tackle the housing crisis and climate emergency, supporting our communities and residents, and making Oxford a fairer city for everyone.

"Next month’s initial hearings are the next step in delivering the Local Plan 2040 and I look forward to our discussions with the planning inspectors."

Oxford City Council’s plan has been attended to by appointed inspectors, Kevin Ward and Martha Savage.

They will examine the plan independently and decide whether it meets national planning policy and legal requirements.

The plan lays out councils' responsibilities for different issues

The 2040 plan's proposed policies include new homes and businesses being required to be zero carbon in operation.

As well as this, all major developments will be required to plant more trees, hedges, and other greenery to meet new standards.

It also states that developments of 10 or more homes will be mandated to provide at least 40 per cent as affordable housing.

The proposals also include plans that, for the first time, allow homes to be built on all employment sites.

It is also proposed that large developments will be required to deliver a plan to employ local people and provide affordable workspaces.

Additionally, the plan identifies sites for 9,612 new homes in Oxford by 2040 to help alleviate the city's housing crisis.

The public hearings in June will inspect whether the plan follows procedural and legal requirements, whether the council has cooperated dutyfully, and if the plan meets national planning policy for Oxford's needs and home-building capacity.

Oxford City Council have appointed Ian Kemp as an independent programme officer.

He will manage the examination and be the primary point of contact for anyone with a stake in the process.

He has summoned people who contributed to the last consultation rounds for the Local Plan 2040.

If the examination continues as expected, the Local Plan 2040 could be adopted by the summer of 2025 and replace the current Local Plan 2036.

The hearings will also be livestreamed.