A group of Oxfordshire residents have joined hundreds of others across the country in gathering outside crown courts to fight for jurors' rights.

On April 18, the permission hearing for Trudi Warner, a retired social worker who may face contempt of court, will occur at the Royal Courts of Justice.

This is after Ms Warner held up a sign supporting the principle of jury equity outside of a court.

On the morning of April 15, Oxfordshire residents joined the Defend Our Juries campaign by gathering outside Oxford Crown Court and holding signs supporting jury equity.

This principle allows jurors to acquit a defendant according to their conscience, regardless of the judge's instructions.

It was notably applied in 1984 during the acquittal of civil servant, Clive Ponting.

Despite risking arrest, protestors aim to highlight the "ridiculous nature" of Ms Warner's prosecution.

No charges have been made against Ms Warner after nearly a year.

Since the announcement to prosecute Ms Warner, crowds have gathered outside 25 crown courts without incident.

Similar occurrences happened in December and February with no resulting arrests.

In February, 300 people signed a letter to the new Solicitor General saying “since you’re prosecuting Trudi Warner, you should prosecute us too”.

Supporters of the Defend our Juries campaign include law professors like Richard Vogler and John Spencer.