The government is set to introduce new UK passport application fees which will rise by more than seven per cent.

The cost of online applications made within the UK for people aged 16 and above will increase from £82.50 to £88.50 under new proposals.

The price hike is subject to parliamentary approval but it is due to come into force next month.

Passport fees will increase on April 11, 2024, if the price changes are approved.

How much does it cost for a British passport?

The new proposed passport application costs are as follows:

  • a standard online application made from within the UK will rise to £88.50 for adults and £57.50 for children
  • a standard postal application will increase to £100.00 for adults and £69.00 for children
  • a standard online application when applying from overseas will rise to £101.00 for adults and £65.50 for children
  • a standard paper application when applying from overseas will increase to £112.50 for adults and £77.00 for children

It comes as passport fees rose by around 9% in February last year.

The Home Office said in a statement: “The new fees will help ensure that income from these applications better meets the cost of delivering passport and associated operations, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation.

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The Government does not make any profit from the cost of passport applications.

“The fees contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders.

“The increase will also help enable the Government to continue improving its services.”

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The new fees include those newly applying or renewing their passport.

How long does it take to get a passport in the UK?

Passports will usually be issued within three weeks if they are applying from within the UK but the government website adds customers are advised that they should apply in “good time” before travelling.