A university student with muscular dystrophy is set to walk the Oxford 10k.

Tristan Boedts, a 27-year-old from Belgium, will participate in the Bidwells Oxford 10k on May 12.

He lives with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD), a muscle-wasting condition and aims to raise awareness of his condition and Muscular Dystrophy UK.

Although Mr Boedts is expected to require an electric wheelchair within three years, he remains active and optimistic.

He said: "I have had LGMD since birth, although it took 23 years to diagnose which muscular dystrophy.

"I like to think I have a pretty positive outlook on life and luckily, I'm surrounded by loads of friends at uni who see me as Tristan not ‘that guy with a disability’.

"I can’t run but currently I can still walk, which is why it’s important to me to get out and do things like this."

Oxford Mail: Tristan Boedts, a 27-year-old from Belgium, will participate in the Bidwells Oxford 10k on May 12

The upcoming Oxford 10k walk is not the student's first major achievement.

Mr Boedts has already hiked to Everest Base Camp and completed a solo world trip.

Apart from his adventures, he has also walked the Oxford Half Marathon previously.

He added: "Taking part in the Oxford 10k is a chance for me to make a difference and help raise awareness of my condition and Muscular Dystrophy UK, the charity that supports people like me across the UK."

The 27-year-old is studying for an MSc in Consumer Behaviour, with ambitions of a career in academia.

Find out more about Bidwells Oxford 10k and Muscular Dystrophy UK online.