An Oxford MP has expressed concern at “appalling delays” to emergency department wait times at hospitals in the county. 

Layla Moran, who is a Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, hit out at the Conservative government and its choice to “slash funding for the NHS”.

She said: “A&E delays keep getting worse under this Conservative government as hospitals in our area are starved of the funding they need.

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“These appalling delays are leaving often vulnerable patients waiting for hours on end in overcrowded A&Es.

“Doctors and nurses, who are working tirelessly to help people in need, are being hung out to dry by this Government.”

Oxford Mail: Layla Moran.Layla Moran.

The comments are based on Liberal Democrat analysis of House of Commons Library research which suggests 36,000 more people across Oxfordshire waited over four hours at A&E in 2024 than in 2019.

Ms Moran calls on the government to reverse its “near £5 billion of real terms cuts to NHS funding”.

Conservative county councillor Liam Walker has shared his thoughts on the comments.

The Hanborough and Minster Lovell councillor said: “The government has pumped millions extra into the NHS and I’m confident more funding will be forthcoming in the budget.

“Sadly though it’s likely funds will now have to be spent on ensuring our amazing NHS staff can get to work.

"Under the Lib Dem led anti-motorist coalition at Oxfordshire County Council they want to charge businesses and hospitals for parking spaces under the Workplace Charging Levy plans.

Oxford Mail: Liam Walker.Liam Walker. (Image: n/a)

“This scheme on top of new bus gates and the failed implementation of LTNs has resulted in concerning staffing problems.

“I would suggest Layla focuses on tackling the issues being created due to her Lib Dem councillors.”

Oxfordshire County Council recently approved a workplace parking levy scheme which will result in an annual charge to businesses for staff parking places at their premises.

Teachers were among those who spoke out against the proposals at a county council budget meeting on the issue last week.

Liberal Democrat county council leader Liz Leffman said in response to Liam Walker: “Proposals for a workplace parking levy in Oxfordshire are at an early stage.

Oxford Mail: Liz Leffman.Liz Leffman. (Image: Ed Nix.)

“Before a decision is made about its implementation, the county council will be talking to and consulting employers and residents on the level of charge and who would be included in the scheme.”

A Department for Health and Social Care spokesman said: “Cutting waiting lists is one of the government’s top five priorities and, despite winter pressures and the impact of industrial action, latest data shows overall NHS waiting lists have decreased for the third month in a row.

“A&E performance on four-hour waits also improved in January compared to December, with the number of people being seen within four hours rising to 70.3 per cent despite seasonal winter pressures increasing and the highest number of January A&E attendances on record.

“We’re determined to continue improving patient care, having already delivered on our promise to create 5,000 extra permanent hospital beds and 10,000 hospital at home beds, freeing up capacity and cutting waiting times.”