POLICE have released a statement after the sentencing of Scarlet Blake, marking the end of a 'complex and challenging' investigation.

Blake was sentenced to life in jail with a minimum term of 24 years for the murder of Jorge Carreno in the early hours of July 25, 2021 at Parsons Pleasure.

Speaking after the sentencing at Oxford Crown Court on Monday (February 26), senior Investigating officer Detective Superintendent, Jon Capps of Thames Valley Police’s Major Crime Unit, said the proceedings bring an end to 'what has been a very complex and challenging investigation'. 

Read the sentencing here: Cat killer jailed for life with 24 years minimum term for murder

“I know that many will want to focus on the actions and behaviour of this defendant," he said.

“There are several aspects of this case that have been truly disturbing to see, hear and deal with. This defendant showed calculated cruelty. The acts Blake has been convicted of are barbaric and chilling.

"The murder was premeditated with total disregard and distain for life and it is clear that only a life sentence is appropriate in these circumstances.

“Thankfully crimes such as these are incredibly rare.

“I want rather to focus on Jorge and his family and pay tribute to them and the enormous dignity they have shown throughout this ordeal.

“They have put their trust in my team. I cannot begin to imagine the pain they feel.

"As the evidence has developed they have had to try to come to terms with this not only being a murder, but the nature and character of this defendant, something that I know has served only to compound the grief they feel.

"There can be no beginning to understanding this senseless act.

“Jorge was enjoying a night out with friends and had his life in front of him. He had made plans, he was happy and in the words of his friend, ‘ready to enjoy every single drop of his life’.

"That has been taken away from him. He clearly meant so much to so many. It is Jorge’s life that will be remembered over and above the actions of this defendant. The family tribute is beautiful to read and says more than I ever could possibly do justice to.

“My team have worked tirelessly under enormous pressure to achieve this outcome and put the best possible case before the jury. Their dedication and pride in their work, motivated to obtain justice for Jorge and his family, has been outstanding.

"In gathering and reviewing evidence, they have been exposed to material that no one should ever have to review. This work is nearly always an unseen part of policing but their resilience has been exceptional. I am proud of all of them.

“We have been assisted throughout this investigation by numerous experts from the National Crime Agency, whose advice proved invaluable.

"I also want to particularly acknowledge the assistance given to us by the United States Postal Inspection Service in this case; they went out of their way to ensure that recovering evidence and conducting enquiries in the United States was as smooth as possible.

"Their support helped ensure charges against this defendant and has played a significant part in subsequently securing a conviction.

“The skill and expertise of prosecuting counsel has been plain to see and I extend my sincere thanks to them for sharing the determination to obtain justice for this family.

“I know the jury have had to see and listen to very disturbing evidence and support will be offered to them. I want to thank them for their careful considerations in this case, in difficult circumstances.

“Whilst our investigation can never ease the pain felt by the family, I hope that this outcome at least gives a sense of justice and has given a voice to Jorge, whose life will forever be remembered by all those he meant so much to.”