How have artificial intelligence advancements in technology affected schools? 

The creation of AI has majorly impacted schools today, increasing students' performances in tests and giving them easy access to help with schoolwork. However, there are some disadvantages to the way it affects schools. This article's purpose is to educate people on the way it has changed learning and whether I believe this is for the better. 

To begin I would like to share that the COVID-19 pandemic has utilized the AI invention for their own uses since it allows easy remote access and learning without the presence of an educator. 

 AI powered online websites allow 24-hour easy access to support, this allows students to have help completing homework tasks, giving the websites users personalized feedback and quick answer generation. For someone who doesn’t understand a topic at school AI has created a way for students to get teaching outside of the school day. Implementing AI usage during homework leads to a better understanding of the topic, which intern could mean they have the advanced ability to perform better in their final GCSE exams. 

A negative however following on from my last point is how AI powered websites may not be as accessible to some students as others, potentially leading to a downfall in their grades compared to other students which may decrease their confidence, causing them trouble when it comes down to their exams. 

AI can make immersive learning experiences, which would make learning more engaging for those who use it. This would give them an advantage in their GCSE exams because if learning is enjoyable, it may become more frequent giving students who use it to revise a higher chance to do well. 

On the other hand, as AI becomes used in schools more often teachers or members of staff who have duties of educating may have to undergo additional training to be able to keep up with the developments of AI. For example, students may be using AI to write their essays for them, teachers would need a way to check that this isn’t the case as cheating in schools is considered unacceptable and morally wrong. 

Online AI Resorces may have found a way to give teachers more time to work on their student support as generated lesson plans would save them so much time, because of teacher's growth in support students will likely achieve higher grades. 

Tecnology is needed to access AI and sources can be expensive for it requires hardware improvements and system updates. The cost can be too much for some students compared to others meaning many won’t have the extra help others receive. 

In conclusion, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I feel that the students need to do everything they can to reach the marks they wish to achieve in their exams and that if they are using AI websites often this would allow them to perform better.