£760,000 has been awarded to two services which focus on providing advice and information to residents in South Oxfordshire.

Vale of White Horse District Council awarded the money to Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice, and Vale Community Impact.

The funds have been allocated via the council's Partnership Grant scheme, as a response to the increased demand for the services provided by these organisations, amid rising pressures due to cost-of-living concerns and life's daily challenges.

Oxford Mail: Some of the staff, volunteers, and trustees at Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens AdviceSome of the staff, volunteers, and trustees at Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice (Image: South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils)

Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice received £460,000.

Debbie Watts, chief officer at the organisation, said: "We are thrilled to have received the Partnership funding from the Vale of White Horse District Council.

"A five-year funding commitment enables us to plan ahead and develop our service to ensure it is fit for the future.

"It demonstrates a commitment to delivering essential services in the district and we thank the Council for their tremendous support.

"We really value the collaborative partnership we have with the Council.

"It enables Citizens Advice to make a profound impact on the lives of our clients; helping anyone to access free advice and find a way forward, whatever problem they face."

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Vale Community Impact has been granted £300,000.

Chairman of the organisation, Graham Beith, said: "The Vale Community Impact team is very pleased that the Vale continues to recognise the on-going work it does in supporting people in need across the district.

"With the level, and complexity, of demand ever increasing, particularly during the Cost-of-Living crisis, residents are relying on our charity’s help more than ever.

"The long-term funding being offered by the Vale is truly appreciated as it provides a robust and resilient platform for us to continue to support residents in need, which makes a real difference."

The funds were awarded following the review and assessment of applications submitted in July 2023 by the Partnership Grant Panel, consisting of council members and officers.

The financial aid will be provided via staged payments throughout the next five years.

Councillor Bethia Thomas, leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, said: "These organisations make a huge difference in our communities, and it is important that we can support them through the Partnership Grant to enable them to continue this vital work that they do helping residents with a range of life’s challenges across the Vale."

Alongside this grant scheme, the Vale of White Horse District Council has initiated other programmes like the White Horse Community Lottery, launched in 2021, in an effort to bolster organisations and projects contributing towards community and environmental welfare across the district.