A TV show is looking for Oxfordshire families or shared households who need a hand decluttering and organising their home.

BBC1's Sort Your Life Out features Stacey Solomon and her crew - organiser Dilly, carpenter Rob and cleaner Iwan - asking six families to sort their lives out in a week.

And while the families are letting go of half their belongings, the team get to know the stories behind the clutter.

Oxford Mail: BBC1 show is looking for contestants

There are often big emotional moments as the families go through their most treasured items and make difficult decisions about what to let go of from their past and present.

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When each family is left with only the must-keep items, key sentimental pieces are upcycled before the home is re-decorated and re-purposed, ready for the heart-warming reveals.

The series has included some makeovers – from a children’s reading den to a garage turned into a dance space for teenage girls to stories of family loss or struggles with the cost of living crisis.

The show is looking for families or shared households in Oxfordshire to take part in a new series and are keen to speak to people from all walks of life, with varying backgrounds and experiences that could potentially benefit from the experience.

Those from often underrepresented groups and backgrounds are particularly sought after.

Ms Solomon said: “Together, we create smart storage solutions, organise the mess, and let go of belongings that are holding them back.

"It’s such a privilege to support each family, transforming their homes and lives.

"Join us, and you might even be inspired to do your own big spring clean.”

More information and online application forms can be found at www.optomen.com/Sort-Your-Life-Out