A TRIAL date has been set for a volunteer charged with wounding with intent.

Andrew Walker, of Tamina Close, Carterton, faces a charge of wounding with intent Alexander Clarke on October 20, 2021, in Old Minster Lovell.

The 48-year-old has also been charged with criminal damage to property valued under £5,000 of a car window belonging to Mr Clarke – allegedly occurring on the same day.

READ MORE: Carterton man charged with wounding wants case dropped

At Oxford Crown Court in December, Walker was unrepresented due to his plans to get the case dismissed.

Speaking from the dock, he said: “I don’t want to waste the court’s time, yeah. It’s just there’s various things of what has been said, like the vehicle and my presence…I didn’t have that vehicle. [sic]”

The case is now listed for trial on January 23, 2025.