ANTIBIOTICS were allegedly given to a woman for a ‘fake’ sexually transmitted disease by a man accused of controlling behaviour, assault and rape.

Tommy Gunn is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with several offences, including one where it is purported that he made a woman take medicine for a non-existent STD.

The 34-year-old is charged with one count each of controlling and coercive behaviour, intentional non-fatal strangulation, false imprisonment, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, sexual assault and rape in Banbury.

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After denying all counts, Gunn’s trial started on Monday (February 5) and is estimated to take four to five days.

A jury heard that Gunn, of no fixed abode, had displayed ‘jealousy, control, and anger’ towards the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

As well as allegedly making her take antibiotics for an STD that didn’t exist, he is accused of checking her drawers for condoms for ‘evidence of infidelity’, checking her messages, making her delete messages and stopping her from seeing friends.

These allegations are included within the controlling and coercive behaviour count which occurred over a period of 15 months.

Messages were read out, allegedly between the pair, with the woman writing: “You’re absolutely draining me. I can’t do nothing right, you start for no reason [sic].

“I don’t do nothing, I’m not out with all different people. You just have to start for no reason, it’s like you enjoy draining my energy [sic].”

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Gunn reportedly replied: “I don’t need your s***. You talk absolute s***”

Another message reportedly sent from Gunn to the woman read: “I couldn’t give a f***, I’ll put you in hospital.”

The 34-year-old is then accused of becoming physically abusive after allegedly strangling the woman. An mail from Gunn was read out to the jury which he reportedly sent after this incident.

It read: “I can’t stop thinking about you and what I’ve done. I feel so gutless and horrible.”

Months later, he is accused of locking the woman inside a building before assaulting and raping her throughout the night.

After the alleged imprisonment, the woman attended the police station as soon as she left the building the following day.

The jury heard that Gunn has previously been arrested after accusations of abuse by another woman. It was heard the woman in this trial supported Gunn while he was in prison.

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Gunn was later released and the charges were dropped after the prosecution offered no evidence in court.

The jury was told this information in connection with this trial to demonstrate that the woman had ‘believed he would change’.

Proceedings continue.