300 Oxford residents are asking to be prosecuted in an act of solidarity with a retired social worker.

Trudi Warner sat outside Inner London Crown Court during the trial of climate protestors, reminding the jury of their rights to consider their conscience when acquitting protesters, although the judge had ordered the defendants not to mention climate change issues in their defence.

The Solicitor General served her with prosecution papers soon after, prompting widespread responses.

Ms Warner's story gained national interest after Trudi Warner's arrest in March 2023.

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Her action captured public empathy and was repeated by hundreds across England and Wales.

In a letter to the Solicitor General, signatories argue that if Ms Warner faces prosecution; then they should too.

The letters, penned by signatories all over England and Wales, were simultaneously posted to arrive on February 5, when 12 individuals, as many as are on a jury, delivered the same letter by hand to the Ministry of Justice.

Protestors in Oxford and across the country replicated Ms Warner's silent vigil outside Crown Courts holding identical signs, prompting a ripple of solidarity amongst those sharing her sentiments.

The same 300 individuals are now calling on the Solicitor General, saying: "If what Trudi Warner did is a crime then prosecute us too."

Jessica Upton revealed her reasons for signing the letter.

She said: "Having sat outside Oxford Crown Court twice doing just what Trudi did I felt it important to sign the letter suggesting we all be prosecuted too.

"Prosecuting hundreds of people across the country for holding up boards informing jurors of their rights surely is so clearly madness that the Solicitor General will drop the case against Trudi and the rights of jurors will be firmly established again."

Maggie Bicknell, who also signed the letter, added: "There is no moral justification for prosecuting someone like Trudi Warner who simply reminded people of the role of responsible jurors and their right to reach decisions according to conscience.

"If the aim of our laws is to make our society a safer, fairer, better place in which to live, then, far from showing contempt for the court, Trudi is actually upholding our legal system and defending the principle of trial by jury.”

Ines Smyth said: “I am among many people who have signed the letter to the Solicitor General - Robert Courts - questioning why he is prosecuting Trudy Warner.

"Does he plan to prosecute all of us? What is happening to the right to protest? What is happening to justice?”