Didcot folk will have to fork out £70 a year to park outside their homes in a controversial new council scheme.

Homeowners in five of the town's streets will soon be forced to pay Oxfordshire County Council to leave cars in their road.

The new residents' parking scheme applies to Cronshaw Close, Haydon Road, Lydalls Road, Station Road and White Leys Close.

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The council said the venture is “intended to prioritise residents’ parking needs" with all money raised going towards enforcement.

But some residents have voiced concerns online about paying for parking that was once free.

“Glad I don’t live there”, said Trevor Ockwell.

“What if you have multiple cars, and why should residents pay to park? It is nothing but another tax.

“Oxfordshire demonstrates how much it hates the car again.”

Sarah Spencer-Buckel added: “This will only see the issue move to surrounding roads and the Ladygrove Estate.”

John Hill described it as “another car owner cash cow scheme”.

Works are “imminent” to change parking signs and road markings in the five streets, the council said.

The authority asked residents to avoid parking on the roads when the lining work is taking place.

Signs will soon be installed in the streets which say when work will happen, the council added.

Some people supported the new initiative, claiming it would help residents park outside their homes.

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Paul Rushton said: “I imagine most, if not all residents will welcome this.

“They’ve struggled to park outside their houses for years because the roads are rammed with commuter/shoppers cars.

“They can get two permits per house plus visitor permits - all good.

“I do agree that it should be free though.”

Adam Lydiate said it should be brought in for Hagbourne Road

He said: “Desperately need it on Hagbourne Road as it’s an extended car park for Orchard Centre and Busby House, the congestion is beyond a joke.”

The new scheme comes as a developer looks to build houses on the current temporary use car park off Station Road.

The council expects the plans, if approved, would see more drivers looking for on-street parking in the area.

It hopes to reduce this issue with the new residents' parking scheme.

A council spokesperson said: "Controlled parking zones are intended to prioritise residents’ parking needs.

"They discourage commuters and other overspill parking from taking up spaces on residential streets.

"Money raised from permits goes directly towards enforcement.

"CPZs are tailored to the needs of the individual area, including the timings of restrictions.

"Residents are welcome to respond to the consultation with their concerns.

"The restrictions only apply to parking on the highway, so do not affect off-street parking on driveways or garages."

The council has asked residents to apply for new parking permits, which will be virtual rather than on paper.

This allows residents to park their vehicle in permit holder bays immediately after paying rather than waiting for their permit in the post.

Residents can also get up to 50 visitor permits each year, which are issued in batches of 25 every six months.

Blue Badge holders do not need to purchase a permit and can park in the resident’s-only zone for an unlimited time.

Permit-free parking will still be allowed for up to 30 minutes in Haydon Road and Lydalls Road.