The most popular penguin in the world has 'endorsed' the NHS's advice for Britons to "waddle like penguins" to manage the icy conditions currently sweeping across the country.

Spike, a resident of Birdland Park and Gardens in the Cotswolds has weighed in on the controversy, following a government statement which said "penguins know best" when it comes to getting around on ice.

Spike said: “As one of the few flightless birds in the world, we have mastered the art of walking in icy conditions – humans should take note.

“As the NHS advice suggests, spread your legs a little, bend your knees slightly and stick out your arms for better balance. You’ll be walking like us penguins in no time.

"You’ll be walking like us penguins in no time."

The guide was issued by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde earlier this week as sub-zero temperatures hit the UK, with some areas experiencing their coldest January night for 14 years.

Spike, a king penguin boasts thousands of Facebook followers and has starred alongside Sir David Attenborough as part of the ‘Natural Curiosities’ series.

He won the title of world’s most popular flightless bird in April last year, beating an African penguin called Mai from the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa in Hawaii to the honour.

The competition was organised by Penguins International, a non-profit organisation committed to preserving and protecting penguins throughout the world

Global warming is threatening many penguin habitats around the world but there are numerous organisations working to help the animals continue to prosper in the wild.

Birdland Park and Gardens will celebrate Penguin Awareness Day, which takes place on January 20, with a live penguin question and answer session on Facebook at 12.45pm and an afternoon penguin feeding stream via Birdland's penguin camera at 2.30pm.

Alastair Keen, head keeper at the park, which houses more than 500 birds, said:

"Our penguins are often the stars of the show with our visitors.

"They’re wonderfully characterful creatures but they are also extremely resourceful and adaptable too.

“So I would echo the NHS advice – whilst it is a bit slippery and icy underfoot, waddle like a penguin to embrace the chilly seasonal conditions.”

Recently, scientists from Britain and America studied Birdland's penguins to understand the mechanics of their walk, aiming to gather data for robotics research.

Birdland opens daily from 10am.

For more information, or to book a visit go to their website or contact them at 01451 82048.