A cat owner is searching for her pet after getting on an emergency flight home to search for her.

Joana Perrone was visiting family abroad when she received a call that her cat Dorian had gone missing.

Dorian left the property in Oxford's Banbury Road after eating her breakfast.

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She did not come home for her usual 10am meal almost two weeks ago on Friday, January 5.

Ms Perrone took Dorian off the streets after finding her abandoned at just five weeks old.

She said: “I have been crying every day, she is my biggest companion. I’m happy to be super candid about how hard this has hit me.

“I was visiting family and got on an emergency flight to come search for her, it’s been emotionally challenging.”

Oxford Mail: Missing cat Dorian Missing cat Dorian (Image: Joana Perrone)There is a £100 reward for Dorian's safe return to Ms Perrone.

However, she admitted she just “wants to know what happened”.

She said: “The number on the flyer is anonymous so if it’s bad news people can use that, or just drop her at a vet I won’t pursue anything just thought I needed to say that” 

 “I  took her basically off the streets, she was abandoned and only 5 weeks when I found her.

“I literally nursed her with a little bottle and cat milk. She is the sweetest girl”