An 85-year-old quizmaster from Banbury has amassed thousands of pounds for the Alzheimer's Society charity.

Bryan Talbot, 85, a retired professional photographer, organised more than 30 quizzes last year with the aid of pubs around the town.

Known locally as "quiz master Bryan", he has been staging quizzes for four decades.

He said: "I first started doing quizzes 40 years ago for the Chipping Norton Lions Club raising funds for their different charities.

"When my wife was diagnosed with dementia 11 years ago, I decided, along with the couple who ran the Saye and Sele Arms in Broughton, to support Alzheimer's Society to find a cure.

"I now have several pubs where I run my quizzes and I was delighted to recently hand over a cheque for £11,000 to Alzheimer’s Society."

Mr Talbot's wife of 56 years, Sheila, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 11 years ago, is the motivation behind his fundraising quizzes.

He said: “Sheila was a big businesswoman in the world of training and mixed with high up people from all sorts of organisations. Life is rather different now."

Over the years, Mr Talbot has raised more than £20,000 for the charity, including his latest donation of £11,000.

His main objectives are to keep his mind active, raise money, get customers into pubs on slow nights, and to engage with the community as he balances his role as a full-time carer for his wife.

He says he'll continue to do quizzes for as long as his brain allows him.

He added: "I could not achieve my fundraising without the help and support of the local pubs.

"They all love Sheila to bits, and I appreciate how they have all got time for her.

"I would say she helps me in raising quiz money by being well-liked."

Georgia Thornton, a community fundraiser with Alzheimer's Society, said: "We are so grateful that Bryan has continued to give his time and energy to support Alzheimer’s Society.

"Each hour people generously give to fundraise for us, every event they take part in, every pound they donate, they’re making a life-changing difference to people living with dementia.

"Alzheimer’s Society provides vital support to people living with dementia, funds ground-breaking research, and campaigns to make dementia the priority it should be.

"Together, we will end the devastation caused by dementia.

“There are over 9,410 people living with dementia in Oxfordshire. But we simply can’t reach everyone without the continued support of our incredible fundraisers like Bryan."

For support, help, and advice regarding Alzheimer's, visit the charity's website.