Drone footage has shown the extent of recent flooding at a park in Warwickshire as the site reopens to visitors following Storm Henk.

Charlecote Park, looked after by the National Trust, is situated upstream from Stratford-upon Avon, with the River Avon and the River Dene running through it.

Torrential rain in early January resulted in both rivers overflowing, resulting in widespread flooding in the park and water flowing into the basement of its house.

Having to shut its doors during a key season, the estate was closed to the public for nine days as the National Trust team fought to protect its livestock, parkland, and Elizabethan mansion from the flood.

As water levels subsided, the team had to remove the debris to ensure the site was safe for visitors again.

During the flooding, five pumps continuously worked to remove the overflowing water from the house's basement.

The parkland wasn't spared from the force of the floodwater, with multiple fences being washed down.

Park and gardens manager Paul Smith said: "Charlecote Park is situated on a floodplain, where the River Dene joins the Avon, so we expect a certain amount of flooding, but extensive flooding on the scale we’ve seen this January hasn’t happened in more than a decade.

“This autumn and winter we have been affected by several named storms and the ground was still waterlogged from those extreme weather events, so when Storm Henk hit the water levels rose quickly.”

The park reopened after the floodwater receded and the team at the park came together to restore the parkland to its former state.

General manager Rebecca Watson said: "I am incredibly proud of the team at Charlecote, they rallied together and put so much effort into ensuring the livestock, parkland and house were protected.

"Staff from all departments came together to clear up the debris brought by the flood and ensure we could reopen as soon as possible."

Area ranger Joy Margerum added: "The fallow deer herd moved to higher ground on their own and were unharmed.

"Our top priority once the water receded was to patch up the broken fence to prevent the deer from escaping."

She also assured that their rare breed Jacob ewes were safe despite the flood.

The park’s operation heavily relies on income from visitors, particularly during the Christmas and New Year season.

Rebecca Watson said: "Our team at Charlecote is very grateful with how understanding our visitors have been about the situation, especially when visiting Charlecote Park is a Christmas and New Year holiday tradition for many locals.

"We are very pleased to be welcoming visitors again every day from 9am to 4pm."

For more details, visit the National Trust website.