Oxford police officers survived broken bones, high winds and torrential rain, all to help people coping with cancer.

The Temple Cowley Neighbourhood Team spent a day off from the beat by taking part in a London to Oxford bike ride.

To combat the unseasonal gales and heavy rain, some members of the beat team kept warm by wearing bin liners and bubble-wrap.

One officer was taken to hospital after breaking his arm in a fall following a collision with a fellow cyclist.

But the beat team managed to raise more than £1,500 for CLIC Sargent by completing the 60-mile sponsored bike ride.

Pc David Scott, neighbourhood specialist for Temple Cowley, said: "It was awful weather conditions and rained the whole time. But it was a thoroughly enjoyable event.

"Officers do have to use their bikes to patrol the area. But none of us are cyclists or part of a club. It was physically and mentally exhausting - it was very physically demanding.

"I am very pleased we have been able to help people."

The team completed the charity ride from Richmond Park to Oxford city centre in under six hours.

Police Community Support Officer Anna McCormack had to pull out after crashing out at Marlow, Buckinghamshire, when she collided with another cyclist.

She smashed her elbow and was taken to hospital with a broken bone.

The sponsored ride took place amid pouring rain on July 6.

Sgt Gillian Cross wore a bin bag to combat the wintery weather while Pc Scott kept warm by adding bubble-wrap to his outfit.

The Temple Cowley beat team also included Sgt Pauline Heilbron, Pc Andrew Reid, Pc Mike Dix and PSCOs Leanne Moody, Jamie Howell, Catherine Timms and Hayley Winter.

Pcs Stuart Robertson and George Atkinson, from Cowley Police Station, also took part.

They were sponsored by Unipart, Opus, Catermasters, Tesco, Village Farm Bletchingdon, Templars Square Shopping Centre and Cycloanalysts.

To sponsor them you can log on to www.justgiving.com/cowleyneighbourhoodteam