A former shop manager was so impressed with her gym that she has dropped her career to take on the mantle. Tracey Gilbert has just invested £35,000 in Gymophobics, a women-only gym in Banbury's Bridge Street.

Originally from the West Midlands, Mrs Gilbert said working long hours meant it was difficult to get to a gym regularly, but the Gymophobics half-hour session fitted perfectly with her busy life.

Mrs Gilbert said: "I used to go to a Gympohobics myself. I lost a dress size in eight weeks and thought wow that's brilliant!

I didn't feel like I was doing a workout."

Once she discovered it was a franchise, there was no stopping her.

"I have been a manager for Marks and Spencer for 21 years and I was stagnant. I went for an interview with Gymophobics and took on the franchise.

"I tried to get a property in the West Midlands, but there were none left. They said they were branching out and offered me Banbury.

"I had never heard of Banbury, so I came and had a look and thought it was a lovely area."

She and husband Christopher have moved to the town and she is in the process of employing three local staff. Already 110 members have signed up aged between 16 and 84.

The special air-resistant gym machinery - which does not put pressure on the users' joints - has been imported from Finland.

"It is aimed at women who don't like going to a conventional gym. There are no mirrors on the walls and you don't have to wear gym clothes."

Mrs Gilbert is holding an open day tomorrow, and Gymophobics founder Donna Hubbard will be attending.

o Contact: 01295 255532 www.gymophobics.co.uk