A show guaranteed to make everyone listen closely came to Oxford yesterday.

The Bionic Ear Show, at Science Oxford, in St Clement's, featured a giant ear measuring more than 22 feet - the size of 116 normal ears.

Tobin May, left, of charity Deafness Research UK is pictured with Science Oxford's events officer Emma Wightman.

Dozens of children and adults took a detailed, interactive tour of the UK's largest ear.

The roadshow has been put on jointly by Specsavers and Deafness Research UK and is aimed at getting people thinking about their hearing.

Deafness Research UK chief executive Vivienne Michae said: "Whether it is young people listening to their MP3 players at loud levels, or dads at noisy racing events, we could all benefit from advice on looking after our hearing."

During the free event, the audience were given the chance to follow the path of sounds through the outer ear, ear canal, middle ear and hair cells before reaching the brain - a giant version of which was also on stage.