Cherwell residents are set to benefit from a recently agreed wellbeing strategy.

The strategy was agreed during Cherwell District Council’s executive meeting on December 4.

It includes the introduction of seven key goals aimed at helping the public lead healthier and happier lifestyles.

Among the goals are commitments to facilitate community participation, healthy eating and physical activity, and to promote connection with nature and culture.

The strategy also seeks to ensure the District Council adds value to the work of the NHS and other public sector partners.

Councillor Phil Chapman, portfolio holder for healthy and safe communities, said: "Cherwell has for some time now been leading the way with initiatives which promote healthy lifestyles.

"For instance, FAST, a physical activity programme for families, has been replicated across Oxfordshire because it is recognised as an example of best practice.

“District councils have a role to play in influencing the long-term health of their communities.

"This new wellbeing strategy lays the groundwork for more class-leading opportunities, driven by an up-to-date understanding of their needs, and helping ensure that Cherwell will be somewhere easy to live healthily and happily in the years to come."

To support the strategy, continued partnerships with the voluntary sector and other public bodies will be sought.

The council will also continue to attract investment from developers for community, culture, and leisure facilities.