A total of 74 trees will be planted on Oxford City Council land this tree-planting season.

The action is part of the city's ongoing efforts to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.

During the season, defined as between October and April - the period when trees have the best chance of survival - trees will be planted at various parks, recreation grounds, and other locations across Oxford.

The tree planting initiative, carried out by ODS on behalf of the council, will be subject to weather conditions.

Among the sites earmarked for tree planting are Aristotle Lane, Balfour Park, Blackbird Leys Park, and Briar Way.

The council reaffirmed its commitment to address the ecological emergency in September 2022, having declared a climate emergency in 2019.

Over the past few years, it has planted over 10,000 trees in its green spaces.

Tree planting, a known method of fighting climate change, requires the right tree to be planted in the right place for maximum impact.

The council's Urban Forest Strategy, published in 2021, underlines its dedication to "protect, manage, grow and expand our urban forest to help tackle the climate and ecological emergencies that we face".

Oxfordshire County Council will also be contributing to the effort.

It plans to plant several street trees across Oxford.

This initiative will involve both new and replacement tree planting, with each tree assigned a three-year watering and aftercare programme to aid in their establishment.

The Climate Action Oxfordshire website offers information on how to become a 'Tree Guardian', a volunteer who commits to the watering and aftercare of a nearby tree.

The city council provides a newsletter mini-series called 'Treemails' to educate residents about tree planting.

The series targets private gardens, which take up 19 per cent of Oxford's land, as potential spaces for new trees.

The council also promotes National Tree Week, the largest annual tree celebration in the UK running from November 25 to December 3,

It is organised by the Tree Council to celebrate the tree-planting season, and more information can be found on the Tree Council website.

Councillor Anna Railton, Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice, said: "Oxford’s trees and woodland play an important role in reducing the effects of climate change and supporting biodiversity.

"Over the past 10 years, we have planted over 10,000 new trees in our green spaces, and each year this number continues to grow.

"I am looking forward to seeing these new trees as we continue to tackle the climate and ecological emergency and improve our city."