Headington School's art scholars showcased an array of artistic pieces at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) exhibition on "My Oxford" yesterday evening, 29th of November. The theme invited scholars to produce pieces exploring diverse interpretations of this historic city utilizing various media like digital, photography, acrylic, oil, pencil, or mixed media. 

The Ronald McDonald House is a charity organization that provides temporary housing and support services for families with seriously ill or injured children receiving treatment next to the John Radcliffe medical facilities. Hence, the unique challenge lies in creating uplifting and inspiring works for this cause. From iconic landmarks to intimate moments, the artworks exuded a collective effort to create a visual narrative that was not only aesthetically captivating but also emotionally resonant. Every piece emanated positivity, hope, and a sense of connection. 

Mrs. Dalgleish, the Head of Art, expressed the significance of the scholars' efforts, stating,

The quality and breadth of work produced by the art scholars from year 7 to year 13 was astounding. It is wonderful for students to have the opportunity to exhibit their work outside of school, sharing with the wider public their artistic talents. RMH and Headington School are located in the beautiful city of Oxford and the scholars captured in such personal ways the stunning historic architecture, riverside scenes, and iconic shops within the city. Prints, paintings, drawings, and photographs added to the breadth of media explored by the students. This exhibition brings joy and interest to the walls of RMH.”

Scholars express gratitude for the guidance and collaboration with art teachers, Miss Bush and Mrs. Dalgleish, in refining their plans. Heartfelt appreciation is expressed for the invaluable feedback provided by the dedicated teachers, which significantly enriched the quality and resonance of the artworks. This event welcomed parents, guardians, and members of the school community, and the scholars extended sincere thanks to all attendees for their support, making the private viewing a memorable celebration of art and the collective spirit of creativity. 

The Scholars' Exhibition not only showcased artistic talent but also served as a source of hope for families at Ronald McDonald House. As the event concludes, consider contributing to the cause by donating to Ronald McDonald House on its website, supporting its mission of providing comfort to families during challenging times. Your contribution can help sustain the positive impact of art in fostering resilience and inspiration within the facility. Click on the link https://rmhc.org.uk/donate/ or contact Oxford.enquiries@uk.mcd.com for further details on donating to the local house projects.