A 'Living With Dementia' event will take place to launch a campaign aiming to help dementia patients, their families and carers.

The event, organised by Wallingford's Dementia Friendly Community, is set for November 28 at St Mary's Church, Wallingford, and will see the launch of the 'Dementia Friendly Wallingford' campaign.

Service providers Dementia Oxfordshire and Carers Oxfordshire, in conjunction with specialist nurses and medical researchers, will offer vital advice to those impacted by dementia.

Cllr Katharine Keats-Rohan said: "Medical research is finally hitting its stride after years of frustration.

"Now we need to find the most useful pathways to help and support dementia patients and their families and carers, which is more challenging than it should be.

"It is estimated that unpaid carers save the NHS £162bn and Social Care £132bn each year."

Although dementia is currently incurable, a programmed list of activities, or simply places to go for company can help those living with it.

Anyone can become a Dementia Friend by visiting: www.dementiafriends.org.uk.

The Dementia Friendly Wallingford campaign aims to empower the community to aid dementia sufferers and their carers.

Local retailers and partners are also urged to participate by becoming Dementia Friends, identified by 'Dementia Friendly Wallingford' logos in store windows.

These partners pledge to provide assistance if required.

Dementia Friendly Communities are an initiative being developed in towns across the UK. In August 2021, Wallingford Town Council agreed that this initiative would benefit our community.