Local parents and their children took to the streets in Oxford to protest against the climate and environmental record of local MPs.

The protest took aim at the environmental record of Robert Courts, Layla Moran and Anneliese Dodds outside Radcliffe Camera. 

Parents and carers from three Oxfordshire constituencies gathered with their children in Oxford city centre with large colourful banners.

The action was organised by the local Parents for Future group, a parent-led climate group that’s not affiliated with any political party but is concerned about ensuring MPs keep the climate crisis as a top priority.

Similar actions have taken place across the UK this weekend, designed to hold MPs to account for their records on the climate and environment.

Rowan Ryrie, mother of two from East Oxford and an organiser with Parents for Future Oxford, said: “We are here because we want our elected leaders to do more to protect our planet.

"We know the children and places we love are already being affected by environmental degradation and climate change; our rivers are shockingly polluted and poor air quality is affecting our children’s health.

“We want to thank Anneliese Dodds and Layla Moran for their support of climate action but there is more all parties could do to help us transition quickly to clean, homegrown renewable energy and help keep families warm this winter.

"We want to see climate and environment at the top of the political agenda as it is on many parents’ minds as we head into a General Election year.”

Eynsham resident Victoria Thomas said: “Robert Courts talks the talk and does seem to care about certain environmental issues like the welfare of the UK’s swift population.

"However, he has consistently voted with the government against measures that would best help look after the climate and the natural world.

"It is disappointing and I am here to call him out on this.”

Harriet Pike, a 14-year-old youth activist, said: “I’m 14 and I don’t get to vote but my future’s being burned by politicians who don’t care.

"Nature, which is the most important thing we have, is being destroyed by people who aren’t listening to us.

"Please, if you have a vote, use it to protect our planet.”

Co-director of Parents for Future UK, Charlotte Howell-Jones said: “Parents up and down the country have reminded their local MPs that how they vote and what they say on climate and environmental issues matters, and they will be held to account for it at the ballot box.

“As elected politicians, our MPs have a responsibility to protect all of our children’s futures from the threat of climate change, and parents will not vote for candidates who fail to do so.

"The votes of parents motivated by protecting their children from climate catastrophe could decide the next election.

“We want to see all new oil and gas licences and projects stopped, including the Rosebank oil field, and proper investment in homegrown renewable energy that can bring down bills at the same time as reducing carbon emissions.

"Parents will continue to push our MPs to commit to action on climate and nature, to stop this government condemning our children to a bleak future.”

The Oxford Mail has approached Robert Courts, Layla Moran and Anneliese Dodds for comment.