A hotel in a village near Oxford has installed 60 solar panels, making a significant stride towards reducing its environmental footprint.

Voco Oxford Thames Hotel in Sandford has become the first voco establishment in the UK to adopt solar power.

The solar panels, situated above the kitchen and one suite, generate clean energy.

This is preventing greenhouse gas emissions caused by fossil fuels and reducing certain types of air pollution.

Reportedly, in just a month, the panels produced 1.5 million watts of energy, equivalent to saving 17 trees from deforestation.

James Bell, voco Oxford Thames hotel manager, said: "This remarkable achievement underscores our commitment to saving costs while simultaneously building a truly sustainable and environmentally positive business.

"It represents a significant stride in our mission, and we are absolutely thrilled to lead by example."

This eco-friendly shift is also believed to improve the hotel's fiscal standing, with the project expected to pay for itself in under 40 months.

The system is projected to power a substantial portion of the hotel’s food and drink operations for the next 20 to 25 years.

Mr Bell added: "Diversifying our energy sources with solar power has enhanced our energy security by reducing reliance on traditional energy sources."

The four-star hotel is based in Henley Road in Sandford. 

To learn more about the environmental scheme, visit the hotel's sustainability webpage.