The Rose and Crown donating £1,000 to fund a community defibrillator after reaching the final six in the Community Hero category at the Great British Pub Awards.

The Rose and Crown, in the High Street of Ashbury near Wantage, is managed by Holly Royle.

Ms Royle and her team earned the shortlisting after being nominated by locals.

Coca-Cola, as category sponsor, has awarded each finalist financial assistance to continue the community work which saw them reach the final.

Ms Royle is known for her community-first approach in pub management and involved various local figures in her efforts to make sure the pub is working with and for the community.

These include the parish council head and representatives from St Mary's Church.

She has established a diverse range of activities in the pub, including a bi-weekly post office service, monthly barbers, regular quizzes, themed events, and charity functions.

However, it was the 'Rose and Crooners,' a community choir initiated by Ms Royle, which was the driving force behind their award nomination.

The choir, free for all villagers, was set up over a year ago and now has over 50 members and is a crucial bridge between different generations.

The group practices in the pub and hosts charity concerts in the local village hall to fund various causes.

Following this community-centric approach, Ms Royle will utilise the £1,000 award to install a defibrillator unit outside the pub.

Once installed, the team will launch fundraising for defibrillator training.

Ms Royle said: "This is a moment of immense pride for us, our pub, and our village.

"Being nominated by the community itself is the most significant acknowledgement for me – it confirms we are doing the right thing for our locals.

"The prize money from Coca-Cola is a fantastic opportunity for us to provide the village with another defibrillator, a crucial addition given our rural setting and something we feel very passionate about."

Two weeks after watching the Great British Pub Awards ceremony at their bar, Holly and team conducted 'The Great British Local Awards.'

This initiative was aimed at appreciating their community through 13 awards for which locals voted for each other.

Coca-Cola's senior community partnerships manager, Holly Firmin said: "Pubs are continuously proving their importance within their local communities up and down the country.

"It's truly uplifting to witness their unwavering commitment to those they serve.

"Supporting The Rose and Crown and the community of Ashbury is a pleasure for us as we acknowledge their dedication to others."