Four retired teachers who live at the same care home visited a next door primary school to meet some of the pupils and teachers and share their experiences of how things have changed from their own time in the profession.

Pauline Wooliams, 86, worked at Bampton C of E Primary School for 20 years. Theodosia ‘Theo’ Howells, aged 98, taught cookery and needlework, Megan Somerville, 91, set up libraries in secondary schools and universities and taught English as a second language and  Jill Bourike, aged 88, taught in Sunday Schools and shared her knowledge of foreign languages with local children.

Millers Grange Care Home in Witney arranged for the four to take a tour of Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School.

Theo said: “It was a great day and really interesting to see all the technology available in schools now – that’s not something we had in my day.

“It was very refreshing to see that the children were so engaged with their learning, one pupil was already clear he wants to become a mathematician.”