An "intelligent and lovely" son died this year having made two previous attempts on his own life, an inquest was told.

Oxford Coroner's Court heard from assistant coroner Joanna Coleman on Thursday afternoon that 28-year-old Sean Summersbee of Farmington Drive in Witney died on April 17 in a drug-related death.

Mr Summersbee, who had a history of personality disorder and depression felt "let down" amidst his mental health issues.

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A statement from his father Colin Summersbee - read out in court - suggested that the separation of his parents at the age of 11 was a cause of the mental health problems.

The statement added: "He was my son and I loved and supported him with everything."

The court heard that his son made an attempt to take his life on February 24, 2022 and had made numerous pleas for help that year. 

He had called police on June 10 that year, crying and saying he was going to end his life, the inquest was told.

Police had entered his property on March 19 this year after a third party report that Mr Summersbee was going to end his life, although all had seemed "fine" on arrival.

Mr Summersbee received care from the NHS Adult Mental Health Teams in north Oxfordshire.

Concerns were raised on occasions where Mr Summersbee had missed appointments, and on April 17 he was found unresponsive by two community mental health nurses who could see him through the window of his back garden sat on the sofa with his head slumped.

The court was told he had consumed both alcohol and drugs.

Colin Summersbee said in his statement: "I do not believe my son intended to take his own life."

The coroner concluded that the death had not been suicide.

Mr Summersbee's father described how problems had worsened when his son had started an apprenticeship at a Mercedes garage where there were "unrealistic expectations" from management.

Though, he had "loved his job as a Waitrose delivery driver".

The court heard that Mr Summersbee had also been impacted by his girlfriend of six months leaving him, and led to develop a significant dependency on alcohol.

Mr Summersbee said that his son was a "hyperactive child who did everything at 100 miles an hour and who loved motocross" but that resulting financial struggles from single-parenthood meant that his son had not been able to continue his passion.

It was concluded that it was a drug-related death.

The Samaritans helpline for 24 hours support is 116 123.