A new initiative which aims to restore natural habitats across six Oxfordshire sites is encouraging locals to grow their own plants.

The Freshwater Habitats project is overseeing volunteer work at Farmoor Reservoir, RSPB Otmoor, Hinskey Heights, National Trust Coleshill, Raleigh Park and Chilswell Valley Nature Reserve.

Oxford Mail: GroWet plants at Cutteslowe.GroWet plants at Cutteslowe. (Image: Contribution.)

More than 500 volunteers have taken part in an endeavour which aims to restore and regenerate Oxfordshire's fens and historic floodplains by reintroducing plants that were once plentiful in the county.

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Professor Jeremy Briggs, CEO of the conservation charity, said: "Life in freshwaters is under severe threat.

"Globally, freshwater habitats and the species they support are among the most vulnerable parts of the natural world and there is clear evidence of the need for new measures to protect freshwater biodiversity."

Oxford Mail: The project has identified six different sites for the plants.The project has identified six different sites for the plants. (Image: Contribution.)

Volunteers nurtured their own plants from seed and cuttings at Oxford Botanic Garden which the trust says are now strong enough to be introduced to wild habitats.

Plants given out to volunteers included ragged robin, creeping marshwort, marsh arrow grass, common cotton grass and flat sedge.

Of the six project sites, five are in or very near Oxford and the other - located in Buscot - is in the far west of Oxfordshire.

Oxford Mail: GroWet volunteers.GroWet volunteers. (Image: Contribution.)

The Buscot and Coleshill estates are described as villages and countryside criss-crossed trails while Hinksey Heights is similar for its nature walk.

Otmoor, located just outside Oxford contains wading birds and wildfowl alongside warblers and songbirds.

Meanwhile, the Farmoor reservoir is said to be 'a unique habitat for wildlife and a dream destination for anglers and sailors'.

Oxford Mail: Creeping marshwort.Creeping marshwort. (Image: Contribution.)

Chilswell Valley Nature Reserve, just off the A34 in Oxford, is apparently home to 'stunning wildlife' and 'lush greenery'.

Lastly, the Raleigh Park site, which is under the supervision of Oxford City Council, is a 9.6ha of sloping parkland just outside the city.

Trust community engagement officer Lizzie Every said: "GroWet has given people the opportunity to do something practical that could make a real difference to wildlife on their doorstep.

"Caring for a rare plant at home has also connected people to our beautiful but threatened wetlands.

Oxford Mail: GroWet plants.GroWet plants. (Image: Contribution.)

"With the help of volunteers, Freshwater Habitats Trust has planted out over 650 rare wetland plants across Oxford with more being propagated for next year.

"This is part of a programme of work to introduce these rare plants to other ponds, streams and wetlands across the country.

"They include native species which were once plentiful in the British countryside and across Oxfordshire but are now in decline."

Freshwater Habitats Trust describes itself as a 'national evidence-based' conservation charity that works to protect life in freshwater.