Another firework display and bonfire planned for Saturday evening has been cancelled due to the weather.

Days of heavy rain have left the ground waterlogged and more rain has been forecast for the coming days.

Organisers of a display in Childrey near Wantage said "the weather has beaten us" but added they would rearrange for Sunday evening instead. 

A spokesperson said the fire will be lit at 6.30pm, with fireworks starting at 7pm.

Meanwhile, organisers of the Oxford fireworks at South Park, which is due to get underway at 7.15pm, have clarified their display is still going ahead as scheduled.

Grove Rugby Football Club also announced on Friday that it had cancelled its display which was due to take place last night.

The event has been rearranged and will now be held on Friday November 17.

Organisers said that flooded playing fields had made it impossible for it to be run safely despite a slightly improving forecast.