November is never a good time to stand in the street and shake a tin to raise money for charities and good causes.

Most volunteers would choose a day in the spring or summer when there was a better chance of good weather.

But the Royal British Legion collectors have no such option – they have to set foot in the streets in November in the run-up to Remembrance Day.

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Every autumn, they will be out making sure that former servicemen and women and their families are properly looked after in their later years.

This picture was taken in 1983 when eight women were rewarded after notching up a total of 200 years selling the traditional Poppies.

Gold Poppy awards were given to eight long-serving Poppy sellers during a dinner dance at Littlemore Royal British Legion Club.

Those seen holding them in the picture are, left to right, Edith Solly, 83, of Alice Smith House, Littlemore, Gwendolin Silvester, of Magdalen Road, Oxford, Jose Sharp, of Church Cowley Road, Cowley, and Esther Lodge, of Campbell Road, Cowley.

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The other four were Edith Quarterman, of Sorrel Road, Blackbird Leys, Rosemary Jerham, of Horspath Road, Cowley, Kathleen Bright, of Hill Top Road, Oxford, and May Loosley, of White Road, Cowley.

All had raised money for at least 15 years - and some had been selling the familiar red flowers for more than 40 years.

This year the RBL Poppy Appeal in Oxfordshire was launched at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, with the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, Marjorie Glasgow BEM, attending the event.

For the first time in over 100 years, during a ceremony of this kind, the Lord Lieutenant attended on horseback.

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About the author 

Andy is the Trade and Tourism reporter for the Oxford Mail and you can sign up to his newsletters for free here. 

He joined the team more than 20 years ago and he covers community news across Oxfordshire.

His Trade and Tourism newsletter is released every Saturday morning. 

You can also read his weekly Traffic and Transport newsletter.