An appeal over plans for 125 homes in Faringdon has been made by a developer.

Wain Homes want to build houses on the land south of Steeds Farm off Coxwell Road.

The company was refused planning permission in 2020 but was given the green light the next year after it appealed the decision.

READ MORE: Plans for 160 new homes in Oxfordshire village criticised

But its application for the specific design of the homes, known as a reserved matters application, was refused by the planning authority in April.

Vale of White Horse District Council ruled that nine of the homes had an inadequate garden size and that three 2.5 storey units were too high, among other reasons.

Wain Homes has now appealed this decision.

McLoughlin Planning, which has submitted a ‘statement of case’ on behalf of Wain Homes, has contested the council’s reasons for refusal.